Dekalb County: Events, Shops, and Hidden Gems – All at Your Fingertips!

6 June 2024

Hey there, neighbor! Do you love exploring charming towns, discovering unique shops, and finding fun things to do? Well, then you’ve stumbled upon the perfect place! We’re all about celebrating Dekalb County’s hidden gems and helping you make the most of our friendly communities.

From cozy shops in Auburn to hidden hiking trails near Garrett, there’s something for everyone in Dekalb County. But wait, there’s more! We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our brand new live events calendar. Now you can easily find out what’s happening in places like Altona, Ashley, Butler, Corunna, Hamilton, Saint Joe, and Waterloo.

Brand New! Dekalb County Live Events Calendar.Why should you bookmark this calendar? Here are just a few reasons:

Never miss a beat! Find out about upcoming festivals, art shows, farmers markets, and more.
Support local businesses! Many events are hosted by our amazing local shops and restaurants.
Discover new places! Use our calendar as an excuse to explore a new town in Dekalb County.

But wait, there’s even more! We’re not just about events. We’re also here to help you discover unique shops, delicious restaurants, and those hidden gems that make Dekalb County special. So, browse around, find something that tickles your fancy, and get ready for some small-town fun!

We’re excited to be on this journey with you! Stay tuned for exciting updates, and be sure to spread the word to your fellow Dekalb County adventurers.

About Crossroads To Classics

Crossroads To Classics lives at the intersection of tradition and progress. Our name reflects the spirit of Dekalb County, drawing inspiration from two of our city slogans. Our mission? To bring Dekalb County’s fantastic businesses – established and emerging – to the forefront of the online world.